Trường trung học phổ thông Uông Bí

Phone : +84 (03) 33.851.432

Uong Bi's high school has a long tradition of teaching and learning, a place to stick, keeping memories of generations of teachers and students. The school is entering the age of 50 full of life, ...

Tìm hiểu thêm

Social activity

Mirror Light

Innovative Research

Contest provincial science and technology for high school students academic year 2015-2016: The project, topics of practical

Thứ hai, 18/07/2016

Community Act

Proud of Vietnam

Thứ hai, 18/07/2016

Documents on electronic government, ...

Thứ hai, 18/07/2016

Union mission report 2015-2016 school ...

Thứ hai, 18/07/2016

Journal Online classes 12C10

Thứ hai, 18/07/2016

Education Expo

Thứ hai, 17/08/2015


Thứ hai, 17/08/2015

Fellowships & Internships

Thứ hai, 17/08/2015

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